Sunday, January 26, 2020

Inside the ‘90s ‘cult’ that locked humans inside ‘Spaceship Earth’

PARK CITY, Utah — In 1991, eight people stepped into a massive, airtight structure near Oracle, Arizona, with the ambitious plan of staying put for two years. Called Biosphere 2, these “biospherians” or “bionauts” were to study the effects of living in a man-made environment, with its own atmosphere and natural habitats, in hopes of...

from Entertainment | New York Post
PARK CITY, Utah — In 1991, eight people stepped into a massive, airtight structure near Oracle, Arizona, with the ambitious plan of staying put for two years. Called Biosphere 2, these “biospherians” or “bionauts” were to study the effects of living in a man-made environment, with its own atmosphere and natural habitats, in hopes of...

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