Tuesday, December 24, 2019

John Mayer drops oddly charming holiday ode to a ‘CVS Bag’

Despite its annual occurrence, the holidays always seem to catch us off-guard — and that’s where one of America’s beloved late-night pit-stops, CVS, comes through in the clutch with plastic bags filled with convenient gifts. And much like that humble wad of plastic, John Mayer, 42, arrived just in time with some desperately needed fresh...

from Entertainment | New York Post https://ift.tt/2SoUf1U
Despite its annual occurrence, the holidays always seem to catch us off-guard — and that’s where one of America’s beloved late-night pit-stops, CVS, comes through in the clutch with plastic bags filled with convenient gifts. And much like that humble wad of plastic, John Mayer, 42, arrived just in time with some desperately needed fresh... https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

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